Jabhova Witnesses No Church Of Biden

Jabhova Witnesses

Jabhova Witnesses

Jabhova Witnesses aka Branch CoVidians aka the Church Of Biden will soon be knocking on doors. They will want to know if you have been jabbed. If not they want to know when are you planning to. They will offer both verbal and printed information.

When The Jabhova Knock

Rona Rhetoric offers these suggestions:

Maintain Social Distancing, if you can keep a storm door between you and Them. If this is not possible remember the 6 feet rule.

No Direct Contact, do not touch anything they had in their possession. You do not know who or what has had contact with them or anything they carry. Slow the Spread!

Volunteer No Information, don’t answer any questions, say little or nothing if possible. Invite them not to return, be polite.

Video Any Interaction, use your phone to record and save any encounter with these people. You may need that video.

Don’t Talk To Them Alone, They come in pairs for a reason. You need a witness too when interacting with them.

General Information

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