
Pretending Rona Style

Pretending Rona Style


Pretending Rona Style” was posted on Facebook using 1 of their backgrounds. The medical nature of the background made it an great choice for the theme of the Meme. The creator used the term “If We Have To Pretend” and “Then We Can Pretend” and applied it to “The Virus” and “Masks”. #MaskHoles telling people to put their masks on were the target of this Meme. The #Message2MaskHoles hashtag has been associated with this #Meme.

Pretending Rona Style Merchandise

Merchandise with this Meme on it is available. Consider a T Shirt or other apparel for when you have to interact with others. Merchandise Sales benefit the #NOPE2020 and #PublicPlatformProject group. This is the group that owns and manages this page. Buying a shirt or other items helps fund this site.


There have been many variations of this type of phrasing. Many different topics or subjects have this type of phrasing applied.
Even the action word “Pretending” has seen it’s share of use in this type of Meme.

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Please check our Latest Posts often for more updates and new content! More information About Rona Rhetoric. is part of the Nope2020.Org and PublicPlatformProject.Us group of websites.