Polypodium: What is it

Polypodium Hydriforme is an animal according to a number of online reference pages. It has made numerous appearances in current memes. Included on this post below are number of those memes. Also included are a number of links to various online reference material about this tiny creature.

Polypodium: The Memes

The Facts

Wikipedia Page

Real Monstrosities Page

Daily Parasite Blog

Science Dot Gov Page

Forbidden Knowledge Page

Scientific American Article

The Atlantic Article

Special Information

RonaRhetoric.com has our published memes archived. We encourage users to down load the images and retain an archival copy. Use the “save image” function or “screenshot” the image. Be sure to save the image to use as a personal copy. As a result, this personal copy allows you to repost rather than share in case of image removal.

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